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Civil Cases
Rental company's lien notice sufficiently described the service provided; discrepancy in amount claimed and final lien was not fatal
2014 Ark.App. 423
Appeal from District Court was dismissed for failure to serve certified copy of docket sheet in strict compliance with Rule 9
2014 Ark.App. 430
Letter of Intent did not support suit for breach of contract or promissory estoppel; $105,865.61 attorney’s-fee award affirmed
Employer may unilaterally amend retiree health care benefits without violating ERISA
Veteran with 100% VA disability rating was properly denied Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits
No notice to claimant on record of additional IQ Test means ALJ has not fully developed the record
Prison doctor who failed to visually examine potentially infected surgery wound not deliberately indifferent; karate chop to nose that left no physical evidence of harm not excessive force
Claim for flood insurance was denied based on failure to complete the correct form
SFIP Flood Insurance Claim not perfected because claimant did not fill out and sign Proof of Loss form
No duty to independent sign contractor who fell through a canopy; he was not forced to encounter the danger in order to perform the job
Parolee could not bring Section 1983 suit against his parole officer when his parole was revoked because it would have the effect of invalidating the revocation order
Res ipsa loquitur did not apply where defendant did not have exclusive possession and control of damaged property
2014 Ark.App. 442
Affidavit attached to post-trial brief was not improperly considered in summary judgment hearing
2014 Ark.App. 445
Court erred in determination of prevailing party and denial of interest in contract case
2014 Ark. 437
Lien on property did not expire despite limitation on time to file suit
2014 Ark.App. 450
Claims for breach of good faith and fair dealings in contract, more than three-year-old torts, and civil-rights violations would not stand in suit by Mountain Home Flight Service against Baxter County
No qualified immunity for jailers where question of fact remained as to whether tasing a pre-trial detainee was necessary for compliance
Arbitration agreement in nursing home admission failed for lack of mutuality
2014 Ark. 361
Entity that purchases debts and hires a lawyer to collect debts is required to be licensed as a debt collector
2014 Ark. 363
Summary judgment for defendant racetrack was reversed in premises liability case
2014 Ark.App. 459
Transfer of case did not affect order; child support arrearage was figured wrongly, but still correct
2014 Ark.App. 455
Officers entitled to qualified immunity where they dropped off intoxicated man in remote location
Class action against bank on nonjudicial mortgage foreclosures fell into federal court’s diversity jurisdiction
12-3526; 13-1245
A trial judge may comment on the evidence so long as he does so fairly and impartially, and he may express his opinion upon the facts so long as he makes it clear to the jury that all matters of fact are submitted to their determination
The test for scope of employment is whether the injury occurred within the time and space boundaries of the employment, when the employee was carrying out the employer's purpose or advancing the employer's interest directly or indirectly
2014 Ark. 377
Arbitration agreement in cell phone contracts was unenforceable due to lack of mutuality
2014 Ark. 375
Defense verdict in medical malpractice case affirmed
2014 Ark.App.480
Seller of real property should not have leased mineral rights; damages should not have been determined by summary judgment
2014 Ark.App. 473
Loss of contract dispute does not rule out attorney fees in successful Deceptive Trade Practices Claim
Jury verdict for defendant reversed as being against the weight of the evidence in loan foreclosure case
Impossibility as defense to contract was not shown; denial of attorney fees to winner must be explained
2014 Ark. 385
No illegal exaction case would lie where State paid for prescription drug alleged to be defective
2014 Ark. 388
Value of "living fence" recognized in eminent domain case
2014 Ark.App. 485
Verdict reinstating school principal and awarding $64,998 in damages was affirmed
2014 Ark. 390
Commission's finding of dual employment upheld based on substantial evidence
2014 Ark.App. 494
Jury verdict in MVA case awarding damages for extent of injury and pain, but nothing for medical bills was affirmed
2014 Ark.App. 498
Trial court abused its discretion denying motion to intervene as a matter of right
2014 Ark.App. 509
Finding of contempt, denial of offset for repairs to marital home, denial of reduction in alimony affirmed
2014 Ark.App. 507
Procedural trainwreck did not prevent consideration of testimony in child custody case
2014 Ark.App. 521
Stay based upon the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act was not a final order
2014 Ark. 412
Inability to get driver's license due to medical condition did not prove disability for truck driver
No. 13-2782
Award after default judgment reversed based on insufficiency of the evidence
2014 Ark.App. 540
Trial court erred granting Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss
2014 Ark.App. 534
An employer is entitled to a credit for "full wages" paid during a period of disability
2014 Ark.App. 548
General indignities was not established at divorce hearing
2014 Ark.App. 573,
"The Arkansas Alcoholic Beverage Amendment" timely filed and its title sufficient
2014 Ark. 429,
Requirement of photo ID for voting ruled unconstitutional
2014 Ark. 427,
Contractor's suit against the State was dismissed based on sovereign immunity; Claims Commission offers sufficient due process protection
2014 Ark. 432,
Jurors discussion of information not admitted as evidence did not warrant a new trial
No. 13-3443,
Grant of summary judgment reversed; trial court ignored argument on fraudulent transfer related to legal fee
2014 Ark.App. 559,
Denial of Social Security benefits reversed and remanded to reconcile expert's testimony with guidelines
No. 13-3774
Guardianship was a special proceeding, governed by statute and not the Rules of Civil Procedure
2014 Ark. 444
Motion for reconsideration was actually a motion for new trial, and therefore untimely
2014 Ark.App. 594
Failure to introduce document results in dismissal of petition to amend trust
2014 Ark.App. 596
Breach of contract verdict stands; agreement was not too vague
2014 Ark.App. 626
Conditionally granted application for liquor store denied
2014 Ark.App. 604
Dismissal based on lack of personal jurisdiction was reversed
2014 Ark. 460
Supreme Court overrules prior decision; sufficiency of the evidence may be made for the first time on appeal after a civil bench trial
2014 Ark. 458
Venue was right, for the wrong reason; parol evidence from party's lawyer was not admissible
2014 Ark. 461
Jury verdict for injured bicyclist stands; statute applying to "vehicles" does not cover bicycles
2014 Ark.App. 619
Suit for attorney's services as chief legal officer net approximately 10% of amount requested
2014 Ark.App. 613
No cause of action existed against employee who downloaded information before going to work for competitor
2014 Ark.App. 609
Circuit court correctly applied Supreme Court mandate in parental rights case
2014 Ark. 471
Defense verdict in medical malpractice case reversed; issue was total lack of consent, not informed consent
2014 Ark. 469
Unsuccessful will contest leaves son with no part of parent's estate
2014 Ark.App. 645
Dismissal was premature in contract action; indemnity clause was not effective, and factual questions remained
2014 Ark.App. 650
A.C.A. 11-9-102(4)(A)(i), compensable injuries caused by an accident, does not apply to gradual onset injuries
2014 Ark.App. 652
Defendant's second failure to appear warrants $100,000 bond forfeiture
2014 Ark.App. 657
"Pay-if-paid" clause in construction contract was not an affirmative defense that must be pled; dismissal of contractor should have resulted in dismissal of surety as well
2014 Ark. 484
Motion to intervene in school funding case was untimely
2014 Ark. 486
No malpractice found in skin-resurfacing procedure which resulted in third-degree burns
2014 Ark.App. 663
Arbitration agreement signed by unauthorized party cannot create binding agreement based on third-party beneficiary doctrine
2014 Ark.App. 661
Default judgment should have been set aside where trial court allowed service of complaint by email
2014 Ark. 499
Dismissal of suit against mortgage company upheld; "Show me the note" arguments do not apply to statutory foreclosure cases
2014 Ark.App. 683
Grant of guardianship based on incapacity was reversed for lack of professional evaluation
2014 Ark.App. 692
Termination of parental rights of non-parent was error
2014 Ark.App. 676.
Substantial evidence not present to support award of damages
2014 Ark.App. 699
Alexander Chief of Police unable to rely upon qualified immunity in 1983 suit
No. 13-3497
Crude remarks by supervisor not sufficient for age or sex discrimination case
No. 13-3729
Grant of new trial in malpractice case was affirmed where the law of allocation of fault was clarified shortly after entry of a verdict for the defendants
2014 Ark. 511
Choice-of-laws analysis results in underinsured motorist claim being reinstated
2014 Ark. 524
Entities authorized to offer banking services under federal law are "authorized to do business in Arkansas" for purposes of statutory foreclosure actions
2014 Ark. 513
Circuit Court was without jurisdiction to determine that plaintiff was not an employee of the defendant
2014 Ark. 506
Tax sale was set aside based upon insufficient notice to owner
2014 Ark 522
Retaliation claim against public official sued in his representative capacity could go forward based on statutory waiver of immunity for public employers
2014 Ark. 519
Union stuck with stipulated agreement to injunction banning flash mobs at Wal-Mart
2014 Ark. 517
Mother's ex-husband receives custody of her children with another man
2014 Ark.App. 704
Husband could not pursue wife's claim for divorce for her, despite willingness to admit and prove his own adultery
2014 Ark. 537
Payment of ad valorem taxes on manufacturing materials was not eligible for refund, even though it was not subject to taxation
2014 Ark. 536
Jury finds in favor of whistleblower and awards $1.2 million but appellate court reversed on emotional distress claim where jury awarded $568,000
No. 13-1468
Denial of motion to compel arbitration was reversed; trial court did not determine validity of agreement
2014 Ark. 545
Stock was marital property, but wife receives it all anyway under unequal distribution of marital assets
2014 Ark. 543
Engineer's lien does not relate back to start of construction; mortgage had priority
2015 Ark 1
Stepmother stood in loco parentis; visitation order affirmed
2015 Ark.App. 6
Gender discrimination claim against UAMS dismissed on summary judgment
No. 13-2536
Failure to plead specific facts prevents claims against lawyer from being decided on the merits
2015 Ark. 15
Appeal regarding violation of Arkansas Freedom of Information Act was moot
2015 Ark. 17
Agreement between Central Arkansas Water and Pulaski County was a contract for administrative service and did not create an illegal exaction
2015 Ark. 29
Damages from assault were specifically excluded by insurance policy
2015 Ark.App. 36
Will provision requiring assent of all surviving children to sell land did not apply to grandchildren
2015 Ark.App. 29
Life insurance proceeds were not marital property
2015 Ark.App. 45
Trust alterations were permissible; wills were not clearly intended to be reciprocal
2015 Ark.App. 41
Auctioneer was not responsible for failing to cancel auction for lack of bidders
2015 Ark.App. 56
Forging check was a conversion, even though plaintiff was not the payee on the check
2015 Ark.App. 48
Putting on safety gear and accessing job site rendered injury job-related
2015 Ark.App. 60
Cable contractor deemed employee; TNT subject to unemployment taxes
2015 Ark.App. 79
Notice putting man on child maltreatment registry was deficient; entitled to appeal finding seventeen years later
2015 Ark.App. 75
Decline in income did not excuse payment of alimony
2015 Ark.App. 86
State court dismissal without prejudice considered final for issue preclusion in federal court
No. 13-3492; No. 13-3723
Bankruptcy Rule 9011 sanctions warranted for allegations of fraud made against opposing counsel
No. 14-6030
Workers' Compensation Commission granted exclusive jurisdiction over wrongful death claim
2015 Ark. 49
Reversal of order allowing interpleader of uninsured motorist proceeds upheld, along with dismissal of bad-faith complaint
2015 Ark.App. 95
Child support award for adult child with autism was affirmed
2015 Ark.App. 108
Arbitration agreement between general contractor and client did not help subcontractor who dropped 500-ton part
2015 Ark. 58
In loco parentis status deemed temporary; visitation can no longer be sought where the non-parent does not reside with the child
2015 Ark. 66
Standard for terminating guardianships, and two-step process, clarified
2015 Ark. 75
Decree of foreclosure stated wrong time period for right of redemption, but was not subject to collateral attack
2015 Ark. 78
Dual-employment doctrine shields employer from liability to worker hired through temp agency
2015 Ark. 135
Restrictions on the right to petition for initiated acts upheld, with minor exceptions
2015 Ark. 94
Summary judgment reversed in restrictive covenant case
2015 Ark.App. 158
Summary judgment in will contest reversed, along with Rule 11 sanction
2015 Ark.App. 140
District court dismissal of prisoner case reversed
No. 13-2491
Exclusion of testimony in condemnation case was error
2015 Ark.App. 185
Judgment rendered against individuals reversed where they were only sued in representative capacity
2015 Ark.App. 186
Judgment against school board for discrimination is affirmed, though subject to remittitur
No. 13-1953
Former employees lacked standing to challenge the current employees' arbitration agreement
No. 14-1829
Supreme Court answers attorney fees question in insurance actions based on contract
2015 Ark. 110
Child support obligation reinstated for adult child with disability
2015 Ark.App. 188
Conversion award was supported by evidence of seizure of property; punitive damages were not proven
2015 Ark.App. 198
Defendant answered complaint before being served and then granted dismissal as soon as statute of limitations had run
2015 Ark.App. 191
Daycare exempt from paying unemployment insurance
2015 Ark.App. 204
Damage to worthless object cannot support negligence suit
2015 Ark.App. 214
Continuing trespass theory is not recognized for burial in wrong cemetery plot
2015 Ark.App. 213
County judge enjoined from removing cattle guard, ordered to pay damages
2015 Ark.App. 207
Summary judgment not warranted in divorce case
2015 Ark.App. 223
Order of protection dismissed for lack of affidavit
2015 Ark.App. 246
Electric company established a prescriptive easement regardless of any initial permissive use
2015 Ark.App. 237
Cy pres doctrine did not apply to trust where beneficiary church had closed
2015 Ark.App. 233
Underwriters of insurance policies should have been allowed to intervene in suit against brokers who placed the policies
2015 Ark. 178
Summons which incorrectly stated number of days for incarcerated defendant to answer prevents default judgment for defendant who is not incarcerated
2015 Ark. 175
Electric company owed duty of care to customer; up to jury to determine if that included duty to protect from squirrels
2015 Ark.App. 255
Homeowners policy exclusion for motor vehicles did not cover operation of self-propelled boom lift
2015 Ark.App. 253
Declaratory judgment action was barred by statute of limitations
2015 Ark.App. 281
Successful will contest affirmed
2015 Ark.App. 279
Homeowner unsuccessful in breach of contract claim against Allstate
No. 14-1755
Court decides who will decide same-sex marriage case
2015 Ark. 189
Doctor sufficiently pled claims of tortious interference and deceptive trade practices
2015 Ark.App. 298
Substantial evidence supported denial of conditional use permit
No. 14-2512
Grant of new trial affirmed based on misconduct during closing argument
2015 Ark. 210
Action sounded in contract, five-year statute of limitations applied
2015 Ark.App. 316
Betterment Act did not apply to property actually owned by the party
2015 Ark.App. 313
Plaintiff in car wreck was not entitled to Uninsured Motorist benefits
No. 14-2125
Summary judgment in favor of insurer reversed in claim for lightning damage to crop already in storage
2015 Ark.App. 331
Trespass was not intentional; school district was entitled to qualified immunity
2015 Ark.App. 327
Denial of new trial affirmed where jury awarded no damages despite finding for plaintiff
2015 Ark.App. 343
Forced integration of oil mineral interests is not a "taking"; there is no right to a jury trial on damages
2015 Ark. 238
Combination of class-action and arbitration results in "legal morass", but no ruling
2015 Ark. 243
Sanctions under Rule 11 reversed based on lack of notice, denial of attorney fees affirmed
2015 Ark. 241
Lawsuit against nursing home chain alleging chronic under-staffing was approved as class action
2015 Ark. 253
Injunction barring enforcement of abortion ban was affirmed
No. 14-1891
Fact question prevents summary judgment in case alleging detrimental reliance, even though Supreme Court finds there was no contract
2015 Ark. 268
Finding that notes were not securities was reversed and remanded for examination under proper standard
2015 Ark. 272
Class certification is affirmed in case alleging violation of the Arkansas Minimum Wage Act (AMWA)
2015 Ark. 275
Default judgment stands despite settlement agreement
2015 Ark.App. 373
Dispute over earnest money remanded because of ambiguous termination clause in contract
2015 Ark.App. 384
Cy pres doctrine does not apply to trust that was not legally a charitable trust
2015 Ark.App. 417
Woman with full scale IQ of 67 denied social security benefits
No. 14-3041
Qualified immunity applied to police officer who made arrest based upon leaves that did not contain THC
No. 13-3330
Fit parent who consents to a guardianship may terminate the guardianship by withdrawing his consent
2015 Ark. 289
Circuit court erred by determining terms of settlement agreement between parties who could not agree
2015 Ark. 291
Assessing interest on delinquent tax debts was not an illegal exaction
2015 Ark. 285
Summary judgment affirmed in case alleging breach of agreement to sell scrap from destroyed dog food plant
No. 14-2575
Former employee's copying of computer files was enough to support judgment based on conversion
No. 14-1514
Service on wrong agent did not prevent savings statute from applying
No. 14-2579
Dismissal of claim against employer did not bar claim against employee by issue preclusion
No. 13-3123
Granting of summary judgment in negligence/medical malpractice case in favor of defendant reversed
2015 Ark.App. 424
Breaching party failed to provide notice pursuant to contractual terms; liable for $3.8 million in damages
No. 14-3360
Denial of adoption affirmed; judge not required to make determination on issue of necessity of consent
2015 Ark.App. 441
Denial of additional medical care was unreasonable, whether claimant was addicted to narcotics or not
2015 Ark.App. 443
Presumption favoring relocation did not apply in favor of mother with primary custody but joint legal custody
2015 Ark.App. 468
Security fraud claims dismissed for statute of limitations violation except for New Jersey claims
No. 13-3315
Failure to seek DHS consent to adoption was fatal to petition
2015 Ark.App. 448
Finding that certain hospice care services were not medically necessary was affirmed
2015 Ark.App. 459
Judgment for ejectment was affirmed; fence too far removed from survey line to be considered
2015 Ark.App. 464
Granting of summary judgment in favor of POA against licensee in error
2014 Ark.App. 487
Summary judgment finding charitable immunity was reversed in nursing home case
2015 Ark.App. 478
Failure to show contamination on plaintiff's property, or source of contamination results in summary judgment
2015 Ark.App. 476
Default judgment set aside, but dismissal with prejudice was reversed based on savings statute
2015 Ark.App. 488
Admission of Facebook posts was not error in termination of guardianship case
2015 Ark.App. 496
Court's alteration of property settlement incorporated into divorce decree reversed, alimony statute found constitutional
2015 Ark.App. 499
District court reversed after granting partial summary judgment in arson case
No. 14-1606
Cohabitation proven, alimony terminated but not retroactively
2015 Ark.App. 525
Summary judgment affirmed based on misrepresentations in insurance application
2015 Ark.App. 534
Award of rehabilitative alimony affirmed; dissent finds amount excessive, analysis flawed
2015 Ark.App. 530
Termination of parental rights based on imprisonment affirmed
2015 Ark. 356
Rejection of trusteeship was ineffective where bank exercised powers of trustee
2015 Ark. 367
Contract for purchase of water was enforceable against City
2015 Ark. 360
No hidden danger or unusually dangerous condition shown; employee of subcontractor did not have a claim against prime contractor
2015 Ark.App. 542
Tax sale of mineral interests was void; no adverse possession shown
2015 Ark.App. 555
Defamation claim against Walmart should not have been dismissed on summary judgment
2015 Ark.App. 549
Statute of repose did not apply to claim for property damage only
2015 Ark.App. 548
Summary judgment in favor of employer in race discrimination case reversed
No. 13-3645
Proceeds ordered by the district court from a settlement of a False Claims Act remanded for clarification
No. 11-3514
Dismissal of case filed against the governor and attorney general affirmed
No. 14-3084
Summary judgment reversed in personal injury case where question remained as to employer's duty to exercise reasonable care in providing a safe workplace
2015 Ark.App. 586
Foreclosure of judgment lien reversed based on improper revivor
2015 Ark.App. 592
Malicious prosecution claim results in verdict of $2,750,000
2015 Ark.App. 574
Denial of motion to dismiss based on sovereign immunity reversed, appeal of state takeover of Little Rock schools dismissed
2015 Ark. 392
Modification of child custody affirmed; more than just passage of time supported a material change in circumstances
2015 Ark. 389
Summary judgment in negligence case based on exculpatory contract was affirmed
2015 Ark.App. 606
Wrongful discharge claim based on public policy was supported by sufficient evidence
2015 Ark.App. 601
Wrongful death claim against psychiatrist not barred by statute of limitations or quasi-judicial immunity
2015 Ark.App. 636
Finding deed void was reversed; change in life insurance beneficiary was affirmed
2015 Ark. 628
Unlawful detainer statute applies to more than landlord-tenant disputes
2015 Ark.App. 631
Dismissal of complaint affirmed in wrongful death case; previous complaint had already been removed to federal court
2015 Ark. 422
Land use restriction agreement was not enforceable against third-party purchaser
2015 Ark.App. 650
Case alleging violation of the Arkansas Minimum Wage Act was decertified as a class
2015 Ark. 428
Award of attorney fees reversed in condemnation action
2015 Ark. 433
Failure to pay court reporter results in dismissal of appeal
2015 Ark. 453
Warranty claims for services are subject to notice requirement of the UCC, if any warranties actually exist
2015 Ark. 444
Action to set aside family settlement agreement dismissed based on res judicata
2015 Ark. 442
MVA case reversed because of exclusion of medical testimony on causation
2015 Ark.App. 690
Rescission of real estate contract affirmed
2015 Ark.App. 680
Supreme Court reiterates that depreciation of labor in insurance policy violates public policy of Arkansas
2015 Ark. 460
Due process claim against the Arkansas Claims Commission was barred by sovereign immunity
2015 Ark. 462
No unjust enrichment where plaintiff built house on defendant's property without their consent
2015 Ark.App. 696
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality decision to allow new steel mill in Mississippi County was affirmed.
2015 Ark.App. 703
City water department late fees were not ultra vires, usurious, nor unconscionable
2015 Ark. 482
Adding reservation of mineral interests went beyond scope of correction deed
2015 Ark.App. 716
Filing appeal in violation of stay results in attorney being held in contempt
2016 Ark.App. 6
Dismissal of sex discrimination and retaliation claims reversed
No. 15-1153
Summary judgment denying coverage under homeowner's policy was reversed
2016 Ark.App. 27
Effort to undo sale of stock fails
2016 Ark.App. 33
Denial of writ of prohibition alleging improper venue provokes sixteen-page dissent
2016 Ark. 22
Class action status affirmed for suit alleging usury
2016 Ark. 24
Motion for Rule on Clerk was improvidently granted; appeal dismissed
2016 Ark. 25
Faulty home construction verdict for $209,000 affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 44
Defective seatbelt case dismissed on summary judgment motion
2016 Ark.App. 45
Wrong clause of buy-sell agreement used after couple divorced, partners forced sale
2016 Ark.App. 57
Plaintiff was an employee, workers compensation was exclusive remedy
2016 Ark.App. 56
England's former Chief of Police does not survive summary judgment on retaliation claim
No. 14-1300
Nursing Home was not an "institution for treatment of mental disease" for purpose of guardianship statutes
2016 Ark. 36
Doctor unsuccessful in attempt to enjoin the Medical Board from enforcing rules
2016 Ark. 30
University of Arkansas immune from ad valorem taxation
2016 Ark. 34
Supreme Court decides it granted petition to review improvidently, reverses itself
2016 Ark. 39
Candidate who has had his conviction expunged is eligible to run for sheriff
2016 Ark. 52
Jury verdict affirmed in wrongful death case; attempts to show how jury reached its measure of damages were rejected
2016 Ark.App. 78
Writ of possession was affirmed for commercial landlord
2016 Ark.App. 94
Imposition of constructive trust was affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 86
Nursing Home arbitration agreement was enforceable even though the specified arbitrator was no longer in existence
2016 Ark. 62
Supreme Court addresses finality in divorce decrees that contemplate further action by the parties
2016 Ark. 64
Allowing adoption without consent of natural parent who has never been shown to be unfit draws scathing dissent
2016 Ark. 59
Default judgment based on service by warning order stands
2016 Ark.App. 121
School Board required to pay retirement benefits on settlement paid to teacher claiming discrimination
2016 Ark.App. 112
Finding of boundary by acquiescence affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 120
Forfeiture of $350,000 down payment on house was affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 125
Illegal exaction case fails because funds were not derived from taxes
2016 Ark. 75
Arbitration order affirmed despite public policy argument
2016 Ark.App. 143
Sufficient evidence presented to show will was not procured through undue influence
2016 Ark.App. 130
Summary judgment reversed in case alleging breach of trust agreement
2016 Ark.App. 133
Supreme Court sua sponte overturns rules regarding division of marital property
2016 Ark. 105
Guardian was authorized to enter into arbitration agreement; agreement was not impossible to perform or unconscionable
2016 Ark. 101
Summary judgment reversed in trade secrets case
2016 Ark.App. 156
Denial of summary judgment based on charitable immunity was reversed
2016 Ark. 157
Distribution of corporate property under spouse's election was reversed; division of stock based on status in tax filings affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 155
Homeowner's policy was ambiguous; summary judgment in favor of insurer was reversed
2016 Ark.App. 168
Arbitration agreement was void due to lack of mutual obligation or mutual agreement
2016 Ark. 116
Suit against nursing home was dismissed based on invalid notarization of resident's signature on power of attorney
2016 Ark. 112
Possible improper execution of mineral leases failed to show damages for plaintiffs whose leases were accurately executed
2016 Ark. 124
Hospital challenge to the Arkansas Peer Review Fairness Act dismissed for lack of a justiciable controversy
2016 Ark. 121
Will created a vested interest, not a charitable trust; application of cy pres doctrine was error
2016 Ark. 138
Water District tax assessment against real property in the district but serviced by adjacent city was in error
2016 Ark. 135
Employees who were held incommunicado while federal agents searched their employer have no claim
No. 15-1656
Officer who relied on erroneous information in ACIC database is free from liability for arrest of wrong person
2016 Ark. 147
County judge was protected by judicial immunity
2016 Ark. 150
Failure to notify insurer of settlement with tortfeasor did not preclude underinsured coverage
2016 Ark.App. 196
Successful claim for breach of warranty of title nets verdict of $250.22
2016 Ark.App. 193
Judgment for $250 results in award of attorney's fees of $17,500 in breach of warranty of title case
2016 Ark.App. 197
Statute excluding evidence of seat belt use in car wreck cases declared unconstitutional
2016 Ark. 157
Default judgment was set aside, but savings statute prevents dismissal with prejudice
2016 Ark. 166
General Contractor who did not provide lien notice to homeowner was not barred from suing on contract or seeking to exert lien
2016 Ark. 162
Record was timely lodged, despite initial failure of order to show compliance with Rule 5; settlement agreement in estate affirmed
2016 Ark. 161
Division of periodic payments violated the Arkansas Structured Settlement Act
2016 Ark.App. 201
Division of assets in divorce upheld
2016 Ark.App. 210
Summary judgment dismissing fraud and civil conspiracy claims was affirmed
2016 Ark. 178
Ruling excluding use of treating physician as an expert in medical malpractice case was affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 212
Tyson employee unsuccessful in complaint alleging malicious prosecution, defamation, and outrage
2016 Ark.App. 221
Retirement community had no duty to screen residents for the ability to live independently
2016 Ark.App. 220
Denial of custody modification affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 223
Supreme Court agrees to answer certified question regarding extent of insurance coverage, but decides the question was moot
2016 Ark. 185
Arkansas FOIA requires disclosure of unredacted accident reports
2016 Ark. 188
Son wins feud with father over property, but attorney fees reversed
2016 Ark. 182
Statute of limitations barred negligence claim "cloaked" as a contract claim
2016 Ark.App. 230
Boundary by acquiescence established, even though not pled
2016 Ark.App. 224
Neighbors allowed to intervene in guardianship case
2016 Ark. 196
Electric Company owed no duty to injured worker of subcontractor
2016 Ark.App. 237
Pedestrian found 49.9% at fault in his own death; damages of $7,612 affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 263
Construction of will reversed; exclusion of expert testimony on probate and estate tax law issues affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 260
Turning dirty water into drinking water is not "manufacturing" for tax exemption purposes
2016 Ark. 209
Party seeking class certification for people whose property has been condemned gets denial of class certification reversed
2016 Ark. 212
Alimony award was abuse of discretion, automatic increase as child support ended was error
2016 Ark.App. 272
Quiet title decision reversed; color of title was not established
2016 Ark.App. 265
Later agreement between parties superseded earlier contract; summary judgment upheld
2016 Ark.App. 281
Wage violation based on failure to pay for time spent "donning and doffing" upheld
2016 Ark. 222
Arbitration agreement signed by emergency custodian of nursing home resident was not enforceable
2016 Ark. 235
Termination of parental rights was affirmed; dissenting justices would have found ineffective assistance of counsel and bias by the trial court
2016 Ark. 231
Denial of special needs trust as violative of public policy was reversed
2016 Ark. 229
Slip and fall case dismissed on summary judgment; no evidence that apartments were assisted living facility
2016 Ark.App. 303
Denial of petition to terminate guardianship was reversed, but admission of Facebook posts was not error
2016 Ark. 243
Whistleblower claim failed to state a factual basis; sovereign immunity applied
2016 Ark. 253
Defense attorney held in contempt twice during trial, grant of new trial after jury awards zero in damages was reversed
2016 Ark.App. 320
Civil committment of middle school teacher was reversed; no evidence that she was a clear and present danger
2016 Ark.App. 326
Intangible property may be the subject of a conversion action
2016 Ark. 281
Forced retirement of judges based on age ruled constitutional
2016 Ark. 272
Trooper who failed to procure medical attention not entitled to immunity
No. 14-3280
Personal injury plaintiff required to pay insurer before being made whole; Federal Employee's Health Benefits Act preempts state law
No. 14-3731
Incarceration for failure to pay child support arrearage was reversed
2016 Ark. 290
Verdict for $50,000 in car wreck case was affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 352
Summary judgment in whistle-blower claim reversed for two of three police officers
2016 Ark.App. 356
Trial court erred by ordering husband to pay back "loan" received from his wife during the marriage
2016 Ark.App. 370
Summary judgment granted in defective hair de-frizzer claim
2016 Ark.App. 372
Change to joint custody in paternity action after parents end period of cohabitation was affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 363
Owner of property was entitled to legal fees after successful defense of lien foreclosure action
2016 Ark.App. 380
Amendment to Rule 4(i) was retroactive
2016 Ark.App. 388
Violation of in terrorem clause was not done to harm trust or beneficiaries; no penalty was incurred
2016 Ark.App. 390
Car dealer's floor-plan provider and Ford Motor Credit fight over liens on vehicles that car dealer sold to himself
2016 Ark.App. 408
Court had jurisdiction to enforce terms of divorce decree; failure to pay loan was not a separate contract between the parties
2016 Ark.App. 406
Challenge to ballot title of initiated act legalizing medical marijuana was rejected
2016 Ark. 322
Dismissal of trust litigation was reversed because trial court used the wrong standard of review
2016 Ark.App. 423
Grandmother's consent for adoption was not necessary, despite claim that she stood in loco parentis to child
2016 Ark.App. 414
Malpractice defendant's expert satisfied the locality rule; juror challenge waived
2016 Ark.App. 442
Mother's consent to adoption was not required; order terminating visitation did not excuse total lack of contact
2016 Ark.App. 447
Summary judgment upheld in mineral rights case; party cannot ask for summary judgment and then contend on appeal that summary judgment was inappropriate
2016 Ark.App. 466
Ballot initiative seeking to limit malpractice awards and attorney fees struck for deficient ballot title
2016 Ark. 334
Medical marijuana initiated act ballot title found sufficient
2016 Ark. 339
Casino gambling amendment struck based on misleading ballot title
2016 Ark. 337
Court reversed when it granted a default judgment on its own motion
2016 Ark. 489
Whistleblower claims reinstated for two of three officers
2016 Ark. App. 491
Homeowner not entitled to benefit from insurer paying off her mortgage where it was later determined that she caused the damages through arson
2016 Ark.App. 473
Medical marijuana Act struck from ballot
2016 Ark. 359
Father who was receiving Social Security retirement ordered to pay child support based on imputed income
2016 Ark.App. 504
Denial of charitable immunity for nursing home was affirmed; concurrence calls to abolish immunity in light of realities of the industry
2016 Ark.App. 523
Workers Comp survivor benefits should have been paid to children even though the deceased worker 's parental rights had been terminated
2016 Ark.App. 531
Voluntary change in job did not prevent reduction in child support
2016 Ark.App. 535
What constitutes a "good car" is a matter of opinion
2016 Ark.App. 540
Injunction barring union from entering Walmart premises for all non-shopping activities was enforceable, but too broad
2016 Ark. 397
Claims against estate were time-barred; creditor was not known or reasonably ascertainable, not entitled to two-year claim period
2016 Ark.App. 545
Foreclosure decree reversed based on deficient service
2016 Ark.App. 552
Termination of parental rights reversed because appellant had no right; dissent believes child may have multiple fathers under the statute
2016 Ark.App. 560
Offensive collateral estoppel upheld, verdict for $122,500,000 affirmed
2016 Ark. 418
ABC allows husband and wife to each own separate liquor stores
2016 Ark. 422
Board did not err in granting liquor store permit to owner who already had a conditional permit at another location
2016 Ark. 414
Uinsured motorist provision of vehicle involved in wreck has primary coverage
2016 Ark.App. 563
Enforcement of restrictive covenant prevents extending road for development of new subdivision
2016 Ark.App. 576
Supreme Court determines that same sex couples are not entitled to have both spouses listed on child's birth certificate
2016 Ark. 437
Failure to apply the statutory preference for placement with relatives results in reversal of placement with foster parents and eventual adoption of child
2016 Ark. 441
Substandard flooring job was not covered by flooring company's commercial general liability policy
2016 Ark.App. 587
Decedent telling beneficiary to share proceeds of life insurance not enough to create an oral contract
2016 Ark.App. 589
Rehabilitative alimony affirmed in case of first impression
2016 Ark. 456
Tort action dismissed because Worker's Comp is the exclusive remedy, even though there is no remedy via Worker's Comp
2016 Ark. 453
Finding of adverse possession was in error, but quiet title decision was affirmed
2016 Ark.App. 611
Husband violates prenup, but it is upheld
2016 Ark.App. 613
Adoption reversed; order of protection prevented father's contact with children
2016 Ark. 472
Refusal to attend independent medical exam prevents plaintiff from receiving medpay benefits
2017 Ark.App. 26
Driver shot from passing vehicle was not entitled to uninsured motorist benefits
2017 Ark.App. 45
Trip and fall case at Louisiana store could be brought in Arkansas
2017 Ark.App. 44
Divorce decree did not cover life insurance proceeds; ex-wife should not have been barred from recovering as beneficiary
2017 Ark.App. 30
Medical malpractice claim filed while plaintiff was in bankruptcy was a nullity
2017 Ark.App. 32
Homeowner fails to show builder knew that home was built in floodplain
2017 Ark.App. 66
City was not entitled to statutory immunity in negligence suit based on faulty 911 response
2017 Ark. 18
Lease was renewed, tenant was not simply holding over; late fees were waived despite non-waiver clause
2017 Ark.App. 79
Restrictive covenants requiring property owners in development to be golf club members were enforceable
2017 Ark. 42
Determination of issues in divorce without holding a hearing results in reversal
2017 Ark. 33
Fayetteville anti-discrimination ordinance found to violate state law
2017 Ark. 49
Notice of appeal which designated the findings of fact as the order appealed from was sufficient; substantial compliance is all that is required
2017 Ark. 52
Order entered against party who received no notice of hearing was set aside
2017 Ark. 54
Judge did not have to determine initial net worth in order to impute income for child support purposes
2017 Ark.App. 108
Attorney's fee award stands; appeal was timely but unsuccessful
2017 Ark.App. 105
Appeal seeking review of circuit court refusal to address judicial complaint was dismissed
2017 Ark. 59
Ordinance seeking to raise funds for courthouse with county-wide tax violated statute
2017 Ark. 71
Defendant admits liability, judge makes finding that medical treatment was reasonable and necessary, jury award of zero is affirmed
2017 Ark.App. 129
Clean-up doctrine no longer applies, but jury waiver was enforceable
2017 Ark.App. 127
Action sounded in contract where it alleged breach of a specific promise, even though the breach may have been caused by negligence
2017 Ark. 83
Attorneys fees and expert witness fees are not recoverable in condemnation action brought by city
2017 Ark. 78
Medical malpractice judgment stands, but prejudgment interest award is reversed
2017 Ark.App. 149
Mother who assigned child support to OCSE had standing to appeal determination of arrearage amount; payment of private school tuition was not entitled to offset
2017 Ark.App. 159
Properties held as joint tenants with right of survivorship should have passed to survivor on death of co-owner; estate gained no interest
2017 Ark.App. 144
Unjust enrichment was not warranted where party to contract failed to perform and could not show impossibility of performance
2017 Ark.App. 156
Dismissal of retaliation claim reversed and remanded
No. 16-1174
Supreme Court reverses trial court's denial of preliminary injunction in prison case
2017 Ark. 97
Sanction of $100,000 for contempt was affirmed
2017 Ark.App. 166
Worker's Comp Commission has exclusive jurisdiction to decide jurisdiction of mental injury claim
2017 Ark. 94
Quiet title decision affirmed
2017 Ark. 90
Military retirement that had not vested was not subject to division in divorce
2017 Ark. 98
Annexation of property surrounded by city and lake was affirmed
2017 Ark. 95
Class action related to retirement accounts of state troopers was dismissed based on sovereign immunity
2017 Ark. 209
Attorney who obtains payment of clients medical expenses through workers comp claim did not have a quantum meruit claim against the provider
2017 Ark.App. 193
No evidentiary errors found in medical malpractice suit
2017 Ark.App. 185
Hollandsworth standard did not apply to relocation case; decree was ambiguous
2017 Ark.App.
Father's parental rights terminated after abuse of the children by the mother
2017 Ark. 115
Writ of Mandamus affirmed in Municipal Improvement District matter
2017 Ark. 113
Judgment in favor of homeowner affirmed; house was not unoccupied, despite sporadic usage
2017 Ark.App. 207
Hundred thousand dollar toolbox sparks lawsuit after home sale
2017 Ark.App. 225
Grant of joint custody to party standing in loco parentis was reversed, but visitation was affirmed
2017 Ark.App. 221
Summary Judgment reversed; question of fact existed as to whether landlord assumed duty to repair premises
2017 Ark.App. 228
Circuit Court erred by ignoring retained earnings when calculating child support
2017 Ark. 139
Fifty -four-year-old murder case was not an open investigation; FOIA applied
2017 Ark. 143
Implied indemnity did not apply based solely on violation of regulations and statutes
2017 Ark.App. 240
Extension of time to perfect service, relation back of pleadings, dismissal without prejudice after 12(b)(6) motion--case has it all and we're just getting started
2017 Ark.App.247
Class action certification in case against nursing home is affirmed as to contract, ADTPA, and unjust enrichment claims, but reversed as to negligence claims
2017 Ark. 162
Summary judgment reversed; question of fact existed regarding foreign LLC "doing business" in Arkansas; contract was impossible to perform
2017 Ark.App. 280
Statute of limitations barred attempt to set aside deed
2017 Ark.App. 270
Grant of new trial affirmed where jury awarded no damages despite admission of at least some injury in car wreck
2017 Ark. 173
Termination of parental rights reversed because putative father's legal status had not been established
2017 Ark. 171
Change in Arkansas Constitution renders appeal of city's donations to Chamber of Commerce moot
2017 Ark. 181
Adoption affirmed; mother loses children for failure to maintain contact during period where she was ordered not to have visitation
2017 Ark. 182
Disbarment order affirmed
2017 Ark. 185
Summary judgment reversed; LLC operating agreement did not allow for dismissal of member
2017 Ark.App. 315
Case of first impression- a new way to get your appeal dismissed
2017 Ark. 192
Failure to address all grounds for ruling results in summary affirmation; Justice Hart chides court for avoiding substantive decisions with procedural bars
2017 Ark. 190
Dismissal of challenge to bank merger was affirmed
2017 Ark. 193
Newspaper editorials about State Senate candidate were not defamatory; summary judgment affirmed
2017 Ark.App. 328
Arbitration award affirmed; Justice Hart bemoans erosion of judicial process
2017 Ark. 204
Interest on attorney fee awards accrues from date amount is quantified
2017 Ark. 206
Default judgment should have been set aside based on deficient affidavit in support of warning order
2017 Ark.App. 362
Battle of surveyors fails to even introduce original government surveys, or certified copy of the county surveyor's record
2017 Ark.App. 369
Voluntary payment of contempt prevents appeal; Dissent argues the result is worthy of the Mad Hatter
2017 Ark. 219
State Board and executive secretary were entitled to immunity to state-law claims, but not federal claims
2017 Ark. 213
Reciprocal trusts did not create contract between spouses
2017 Ark.App. 378
Relocation request should have been considered under framework for joint custody, despite decree that gave mother primary custody
2017 Ark.App. 405
Attractive nuisance doctrine did not apply to pond; summary judgment affirmed
2017 Ark.App.394
Alimony statute not retroactive; Supreme Court finds another opportunity to chastise the Court of Appeals
2017 Ark. 225
Medical malpractice case dismissed on summary judgment based on failure to show proximate cause between breach of standard of care and patient's death
2017 Ark.App. 421
Manner of drug testing employee did not violate privacy rights
2017 Ark.App. 459
Appropriation from General Improvement Fund to planning districts was an illegal exaction
2017 Ark. 270
Jury verdict in Civil Rights case affirmed; "honest belief" defense is not an affirmative defense, simply a rule
2017 Ark.App. 501
Mom's significant other, despite his lack of social graces, was not a change in circumstances sufficient to warrant a change in custody
2017 Ark.App. 518
Birth certificate case returns from the United States Supreme Court
2017 Ark. 284
Trial court applied wrong standard of care, but reached right result in dismissal of injury claim
2017 Ark.App. 535
Wife's remarriage did not terminate alimony
2017 Ark. 531
Child support order did not contain automatic-escalation clause; payments to special needs trust were not child support
2017 Ark.App. 556
Answer in medical malpractice case struck based on spoliation of medical records
2017 Ark.App. 561
First appeal under Supreme Court Rule 2(f) allowing interlocutory appeal of discovery orders based on claim of privilege
2017 Ark.App. 568
Shareholders were entitled to nine years of records from business based on suspicion of breach of fiduciary duty
2017 Ark.App. 598
Confidentiality provisions of Method of Execution Act do not apply to manufacturers of drug used in lethal injection; Supreme Court split
2017 Ark. 300
Cy pres doctrine allows estate to go to successor of hospital named in will
2017 Ark.App. 588
Remittitur based on faulty jury instruction reversed
2017 Ark.App. 618
Denial of attorney's lien reversed; attorney and client are not substantially the same party for res judicata purposes
2017 Ark.App. 632
Jury instruction on expert testimony not erroneous in medical malpractice case
2017 Ark.App. 613
Supreme Court tweaks the Hollandsworth presumption in relocation cases
2017 Ark. 331
Summary judgment reversed where expert accident reconstructionists had differing opinions
2017 Ark.App. 641
Folded up rug was not open and obvious danger as a matter of law; incident report was discoverable
2017 Ark.App. 666
Suit for underinsured motorist benefits dismissed due to defective summons
2017 Ark.App. 656
Supreme Court answers certified question about the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act
2017 Ark. 368
Insurance company that refused to pay $12,000 in medical bills winds up paying $21,000 in attorney fees in addition to the bills
2017 Ark.App. 696
Stock repurchase agreement results in order to purchase stock for $15,619,240
2018 Ark.App. 3
Sovereign immunity may no longer be waived by the State; Arkansas Minimum Wage Act claim against State agency dismissed
2018 Ark. 12
Sovereign immunity should have applied; complaint failed to state a due-process violation
2018 Ark. 17
Disqualification of attorney without considering Weigel factors was error
2018 Ark. 16
Employee murdered at shopping mall was not owed a duty to protect him from criminal acts of third parties; $2.7 million jury verdict reversed
2018 Ark.App. 48
Hospital was not responsible for employees who illegally accessed medical records of murder victim
2018 Ark. 35
Short-term rental did not violate bill of assurance prohibiting use of property for any commercial purpose
2018 Ark. 38
Energy company did not owe any duty of care to independent contractor working on transformer
2018 Ark. 33
Verdict in car wreck affirmed; no error in allowing plaintiff to reopen case, sufficient evidence supported permanent injury
2018 Ark.App. 100
Employee evaluation exemption applied to FOIA request for internal affairs investigation of police officer; attorney fees not available from the courts any longer
2018 Ark.App. 82
UM coverage applied to injury arising from state-owned vehicle spreading loose gravel on road
2018 Ark.App. 98
Arbitration agreement was not enforceable; third-party beneficiary doctrine was not applicable
2018 Ark. App. 131
Stock options were divisible as marital property
2018 Ark.App. 114
Admission of prescriptions in car wreck case was error, but harmless
2018 Ark.App. 135
Title quieted according to divorce decree though deed never filed
2018 Ark.App. 133
A burger is more than the sum of its parts for tax purposes; Sovereign immunity in flux again
2018 Ark. 64
Independent contractor should not have been treated as joint employee for workers comp purposes
2018 Ark. 62
Allowing Dr. Peeples to testify about secondary gain in car wreck case was error
2018 Ark.App. 152
Increase in value of stocks was not included in income for child support calculation
2018 Ark. 83
Collateral source rule should have been followed in battery case
2018 Ark.App. 172
UIM benefits were not available where other policies had not been exhausted
2018 Ark.App. 179
Convicted misdemeanant was ineligible to be appointed chief of police
2018 Ark. 87
Gun range was not a nuisance because it complied with noise ordinance, even though there was no noise ordinance to comply with
2018 Ark. 91
Punitive damages award stands, but compensatory award reduced in contract claim
2018 Ark.App.204
Workers Comp attorney fees payable entirely by employer because claimant's comp benefits were entirely offset by his retirement benefits
2018 Ark. 97
Farm loan claim reversed as to tortious interference claim; negligence claim regarding insurance stands
2018 Ark.App. 224
The Supreme Court again reaffirms that the General Assembly cannot waive sovereign immunity
2018 Ark. 122
Business valuation in divorce was supported by sufficient facts; personal goodwill in nonprofessional business not considered
2018 Ark.App. 245
Runners who solicited personal injury clients for chiropractors violated the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act
2018 Ark.App. 254
Terms of lease determined status of fixtures
2018 Ark.App. 252
Medical malpractice case dismissed with prejudice due to faulty service
2018 Ark.App. 279
Underinsurance results in conversion claim after tornado destroys business
2018 Ark.App. 283
Decree naming mother "primary residential custodian" actually created joint custody arrangement
2018 Ark.App. 294
Attorney who had access to prior client's files, but did not have actual knowledge about the client, should not have been disqualified
2018 Ark. 172
$500,000 of Arkansas Company's money disappears from lawyer's trust account, but Arkansas does not have personal jurisdiction over the lawyer
2018 Ark.App. 303
Divorce decree winds up involving parties' son; judgment splitting wife's income is reversed
2018 Ark.App. 310
Nursing home arbitration agreement did not apply to medical director who was sued in his capacity as resident's primary care physician
2018 Ark.App. 319
Erroneous spoliation instruction results in new trial in seat-belt injury case
2018 Ark.App. 335
Rule 44 controls registration of foreign judgments, not Arkansas statutes or federal law
2018 Ark.App. 358
Court of Appeals re-examines personal jurisdiction in light of new U.S. Supreme Court case
2018 Ark.App. 343
Trial court had no jurisdiction to review agency decision in awarding of marijuana cultivation licenses
2018 Ark. 224
Time share owners are owners of real property for purposes of Suburban Improvement District elections
2018 Ark.App. 394
Change in visitation caused too much uncertainty and instability
2018 Ark.App. 406
Jury verdict finding that nursing home was not entitled to charitable immunity affirmed
2018 Ark.App. 413
Refusal to impose a credit shelter trust and invalidate amendment to revocable trust was reversed
2018 Ark.App. 423
Dismissal of complaint based on quasi-judicial immunity was affirmed
2018 Ark.App. 452
Abusive husband finds divorce rulings unfair, COA disagrees
2018 Ark.App. 444
Complaint alleging conspiracy between surveyor, state agencies, lawyer dismissed
2018 Ark.App. 460
Voter registration requirements found constitutional the second time around
2018 Ark. 283
Attorney who directed potential witness to leave held in contempt, along with witness
2018 Ark. 307
Child support modification required evidence of prior income, even if not in decree
2018 Ark.App. 525
Public road could be abandoned under common law
2018 Ark.App. 530
Landlord who failed to provide heat could not reasonably foresee injury due to use of space heater
2018 Ark.App. 542
Putative father did not have standing to contest adoption
2018 Ark.App. 533
Verdict of $5.21 million in motorcycle wreck was affirmed; the Golden Rule is not Send a Message
2018 Ark.App. 556
Adverse possession judged on what you do, not what you intend to do
2018 Ark.App. 549
Statute of limitations bars legal malpractice claim
2018 Ark.App. 573
Even with unwarranted reopening of case, wife didn't corroborate grounds for divorce
2018 Ark.App. 591
Trial Court erred by revising order under Rule 60, but ruling stands based on retention of jurisdiction in divorce case
2018 Ark.App. 596
Summary judgment granted to physical therapist; plaintiff failed to offer sufficient expert testimony to support a medical-malpractice claim
2018 Ark.App. 630
Jury decision affirmed in fight over Mom's trust
2018 Ark.App. 610
Judge abused discretion in dismissing claim for lack of mediation
2019 Ark.App. 12
Order compelling disclosure of hospital quality assurance records was reversed and remanded
2019 Ark.App. 27
Approval of attorney fees in divorce case draws dissent, call to revise the standard
2019 Ark.App. 30
In otherwise moot case, Supreme Court determines that both legislative and executive privilege exist in Arkansas
2019 Ark. 28
Denial of class certification required findings of fact
2019 Ark. 31
Summary judgment for defendant reversed in case of man who fell over a retaining wall and was injured
2019 Ark.App. 70
General contractor had duty to employee of subcontractor; summary judgment reversed in wrongful death case
2019 Ark.App. 99
Retirement benefits designation of beneficiary form was sufficient to constitute an acknowledgment of paternity
2019 Ark.App. 86
Unlawful detainer dispute was not barred by previous litigation that addressed unpaid rent
2019 Ark.App. 122
$12.5 million judgment affirmed after Defendant argues that summary judgment was not appropriate because its original answer was a nullity
2019 Ark.App. 117
Attorney did not have the authority to bind client to settlement agreement; order enforcing settlement reversed
2019 Ark.App. 118
Default judgment of paternity acts as initial custody determination, requires material change in circumstances to revise
2019 Ark.App. 132
Bank not guilty of conversion, but breach of fiduciary duty claim survives summary judgment
2019 Ark.App. 147
Extension of time to serve complaint ran from expiration of time to serve, not entry of order
2019 Ark. 75
Specific garnishment statute controls over general banking statute; bank owes $66,569 to creditor of depositor
2019 Ark.App. 168
Denial of sale by trust to trustee was affirmed, but refusal to allow majority rule was reversed
2019 Ark.App. 171
Online bid for real estate was an enforceable contract despite buyer's refusal to sign the offer and acceptance
2019 Ark.App. 165
There is no sliding scale for personal jurisdiction; ASC sets out three-part test in light of recent United States Supreme Court case
2019 Ark. 84
Lost will need not physically exist at time of death
2019 Ark.App. 177
Medicaid reimbursed for all amounts paid on behalf of injured child; COA finds this does not violate Ahlborn
2019 Ark.App. 180
Wrongful death suit should not have been dismissed; special administrator had authority to file complaint in re-opened estate
2019 Ark.App. 187
Trust provision calling for arbitration did not govern decisions as to the validity of the trust itself
2019 Ark.App. 193
Court erred in letting jury determine whether or not charitable immunity should apply; jury should determine the disputed facts, judge should determine the legal issue
2019 Ark. 91
Jury verdict in eminent domain case stands; argument that it should have been in addition to deposit with court rejected
2019 Ark. 95
School District was required to provide information requested pursuant to the Arkansas freedom of Information Act in the format requested
2019 Ark.App. 210
Failure to apply the fit-parent presumption results in reversal of guardianship; Justice Wood dissents
2019 Ark. 116
DHS end-run around injunction was not contempt of court
2019 Ark. 121
Award of attorney fees was not barred by sovereign immunity
2019 Ark. 105
Prescriptive easement in street likely; "continuous" use of street is shown even though street was closed periodically
2019 Ark.App. 217
Lawyers partnership interest divisible in divorce, but inheritance was not income for child support purposes
2019 Ark.App. 218
Supreme Court continues to refine the standard for terminating guardianship of a minor
2019 Ark. 130
Sufficient evidence of procurement and a confidential relationship existed to shift the burden of proof in action to void deeds
2019 Ark.App. 237
Undated will was admitted to probate without attestation; valid as a holographic will
2019 Ark.App. 241
Deficient order certifying class is remanded for findings- after being appealed by the party that drafted the order
2019 Ark. 134
Loan with no maturity date was payable on demand
2019 Ark. 146
Defective claim form results in loss of additional benefits in workers comp case; Dissent suggests the Arkansas Supreme Court has no jurisdiction in comp cases
2019 Ark. 141
Forcing divorcing spouse to bid for her half of marital property was reversible error
2019 Ark.App. 26
Ambiguous contract term allows parol evidence to be admitted
2019 Ark.App. 268
Motion for attorney fees denied as untimely, drawing dissent
2019 Ark. 160
Majority finds no insurance coverage or duty to defend nightclub that threw bad drummer offstage; dissent marches to a different ....tune
2019 Ark.App. 294
Arbitration agreement did not apply to agreement to sell car dealership
2019 Ark.App. 316
Exclusive remedy provisions of workers comp applied to shareholders of employer
2019 Ark.App. 306
City was entitled to municipal immunity; has no duty to rescue
2019 Ark. 169
Offering Kroger card discount did not violate equal pricing statute
2019 Ark. 174
Attempt to stop destruction of the White River bridge dismissed; facts did not establish case of illegal exaction
2019 Ark. 199
Race and gender discrimination suit dismissed based on sovereign immunity
2019 Ark. 204
Challenge to rule on Dicamba herbicide use moot, but challenge to the State Plant Board itself still reviewable
2019 Ark. 194
Trial court reversed on property division, finds another route to the same result
2019 Ark. 216
Quasi judicial immunity applies to psychiatrist providing treatment pursuant to conditional release order
2019 Ark. 232
Sovereign immunity did not bar court review of administrative decision
2019 Ark. 228
Email communication can constitute a meeting for FOIA, just not this time
2019 Ark. 222
Sovereign immunity does not stop action to enjoin the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
2019 Ark. 226
Statute of limitations in Workers Comp case was tolled, even though treatment was not approved in advance
2019 Ark.App. 360
Judicial immunity applies where judges grant immunity on probation fees owed to private company
No. 17-3770
Inmate's constitutional claim for retaliatory discipline barred where there is "some evidence" of misbehavior; Justice Hart dissents
2019 Ark. 240
Prescriptive easement in road was established, along with a prescriptive easement to travel by ditch when the road was flooded
2019 Ark.App. 371
Foreclosure for delinquent tax lien can apply to properties that are not delinquent
2019 Ark. 249
Jury verdict for defendant in FELA claim was affirmed; injury from recoil of huck gun did not show negligence
2019 Ark.App. 386
Charitable status does not have a "50% free services" threshhold
2019 Ark.App. 410
Defendant in medical malpractice case tries to allocate fault to deceased infant's mother; Answer partially stricken
2019 Ark. 427
A notice of appeal filed timely under Rule 60 may still be untimely under Rule 4(b)
2019 Ark.App. 445
Court of Appeals refuses to revisit contact rule in uninsured motorist cases
2019 Ark.App. 452
Is truck-driving school a school? That is a suitable question for a class action lawsuit
2019 Ark. 296
Summary judgment reversed in MVA case alleging gravel and dirt left on roadway
2019 Ark.App. 485
Refusal to enforce arbitration agreement in nursing home cases affirmed
2019 Ark. 305
Trust provision requiring the co-trustees to attempt mediation, then arbitration, before resorting to litigation was enforceable
2019 Ark.App. 496.
Lack of hearing on attorney fees does not equal a lack of due process
2019 Ark. 321
Father's consent to adoption was not required, denial of petition reversed
2019 Ark.App. 510
Award of rehabilitative alimony did not require any plan for rehabilitation
2019 Ark.App. 513
Refusal to certify class because defendant claims to have paid the plaintiffs was reversed and remanded
2019 Ark. 329
Chiropractor allowed to opine on medical necessity of surgery in negligence case
2019 Ark.App. 526
Public policy exception to at-will doctrine not applicable to independent contractors
2019 Ark.App. 544
Class certification affirmed, Supreme Court declines to adopt requirement that dispositive motions be decided prior to class certification
2019 Ark. 346
Med-pay insurer is not required to pay insured the difference between amount of bill and amount provider takes in settlement
2019 Ark. 365
FOIA claims and illegal exaction suit against Arkansas Children's Hospital were dismissed
2019 Ark.App. 568
Wal-Mart prevails in wrongful termination, but award of attorney fees reversed and remanded
2019 Ark.App. 566
Transfer on death beneficiary designation challenged as fraudulent transfer when account owner leaves insolvent estate; case of first impression
2019 Ark. 371
Mandate rule and law of the case prevent legislature from retroactively applying statute to pending case, despite their best efforts
2019 Ark. 376
Default judgment of child custody set aside; case of first impression
2019 Ark.App. 596
Deceptive Trade Practices Act class action against gambling website dismissed
2019 Ark. 412
Legal claims brought in regard to trusts were remanded for jury trial, while equitable claims were affirmed
2019 Ark. 410
Plaintiff alleges he was fired for refusing to hire governor's unqualified choice for position; claims against individuals survive, but official-capacity claims barred by sovereign immunity
2020 Ark. 3
Arbitration requirement in law firm's retainer agreement was enforceable
No. 18-3059
City uses fire chief to close apartment complex that it is litigating with, judgment based on violation of due process is affirmed
2020 Ark. 12
Chain of custody statute for DNA testing required only substantial compliance
2020 Ark.App. 9
Adverse possession case based on facts fit for a law school exam question
2020 Ark.App. 40
Default judgment set aside based on defective affidavit for warning order
2020 Ark.App. 34
City held responsible for unlawful fees imposed by district court
2020 Ark. 34
Judicial candidate removed from ballot for hot check charges in 1992
2020 Ark. 21
Judicial candidate will remain on ballot, may not run as "Judge"
2020 Ark. 36
Uniform Contribution Among Tortfeasors Act does not allow apportionment of fault to nonparty that is immune from suit
2020Ark.App. 56
Non-Competition clause ineffective; denial of injunctive relief affirmed.
2020 Ark.App. 62
Sewer fee was not a tax, and not an illegal exaction
2020 Ark. 51
Grandparents with visitation in domestic relations case were not entitled to intervene in adoption case
2020 Ark.App.79
Equitable tolling did not apply to claim that plaintiff knew about and could have enforced
2020 Ark.App. 66
No fiduciary duty owed to customer of bank
2020 Ark.App. 83
Internet stalking charge dismissed where defendant did not make sufficient efforts to actually meet with minor
2020Ark.App. 68
Driving on fictitious tags is not an infamous crime, judicial candidate is back on the ballot
2020 Ark. 64
Med pay statute does not mandate payment of benefits solely to the insured
2020 Ark.App. 100
Employees alleging violation of the Arkansas Minimum Wage Act required to arbitrate
2020 Ark. 70
Divorce decree affirmed on reconsideration after Court of Appeals had reversed; opinion draws two dissents
2020 Ark. 74
Hosts of children's party did not owe a duty to supervise guests because there was no conscious transfer of supervision
2020 Ark.App. 119
Husband's arson prevents widow from collecting homeowner's insurance
2020 Ark. 93
Collateral estoppel applies in case determining owner of property and officers of corporation
2020 Ark.App. 146
Confidential settlement agreement was not subject to discovery by alleged tortfeasor
2020 Ark. 140
Res judicata prevented raising abandonment of roadway claim; attorney fees award reversed
2020 Ark.App. 154
Medical records were not subject to discovery in custody case; attorney fees award based on separate case was reversed
2020 Ark.App. 167
Supreme Court reverses the Court of Appeals and denies quasi-judicial immunity to psychologist who performed court-ordered psychological exams
2020 Ark. 105
Nursing home arbitration agreement not enforceable; home argues document it included in motion to compel arbitration was parol evidence that should not be considered
2020 Ark.App. 187
General language insufficient to make terms of note applicable to antecedent debt
2020 Ark.App. 199
Failure to meet proof with proof results in finding of no legal duty
2020 Ark.App. 203
Summary judgment in breach of lease case was affirmed
2020 Ark.App. 208
Supreme Court reverses course, enforces arbitration agreement
2020 Ark. 133
Parent companies of employer are entitled to workers comp immunity from tort suits as "employers"
2020 Ark. 135
Dismissal of tortious interference claim affirmed, along with foreclosure decree
2020 Ark.App. 216
Statute regarding abandonment of personal property was not retroactive
2020 Ark.App. 214
Josh Duggar seeks to hold City and County liable for disclosure of juvenile records, but claims dismissed
2020 Ark.App. 220
Workers Comp claim was barred by statute of limitations
2020 Ark. 140
Ford Bronco rollover case dismissed on summary judgment
2020 Ark.App. 231
Doctor's suit against hospital based on his loss of privileges survives, in part; extent of discovery of peer-review material defined
2020 Ark. 150
Admission of evidence of intoxication in MVA case, refusal to grant mistrial were not error
2020 Ark.App. 251
Relocation decision was reserved at time of final decree of divorce, but was denied for failure to show change in circumstances when heard
2020 Ark.App. 281
ASC answers certified question regarding Arkansas Statutory Foreclosure Act
2020 Ark. 180
Probate court had jurisdiction to determine ownership of LLC interest, but finding was reversed
2020 Ark.App. 292
Tenant tripped by neighbor's dog falls short in claim against landlord
2020 Ark.App. 287
Award of attorney fees was upheld, even without any records of actual time spent
2020 Ark. 194
FOIA allows copying of accident reports and use of camera to copy them instead of paying fee
2020 Ark.App. 308
Friend who wanted to be guardian did not have standing to intervene
2020 Ark.App. 311
Tortious interference with inheritance expectancy not recognized where funds were moved out of TOD account shortly before owner's death
2020 Ark.App. 299
Judgment in defective tire case was affirmed, along with award of attorney fees for discovery violations
2020 Ark.App. 316
Challenge to decision of the Medical Marijuana Commission results in fractured Supreme court
2020 Ark. 213
Slip and fall verdict affirmed after review by ASC
2020 Ark. 208
Oil and Gas Commission decision changing royalty rate between landowner and gas company was affirmed
2020 Ark. 210
Case involving extreme parental alienation results in joint custody
2020 Ark.App. 319
Denial of motion to compel arbitration turns on difference between mutual agreement and mutual obligation
2020 Ark.App. 327
Failure to deliver tractor with the promised amount of use leads to judgment against dealer
2020 Ark.App. 336
Priority of liens against crop proceeds
2020 Ark. 246
Class certification orders are affirmed; Justice Wood riffs on exhaustion
2020 Ark. 235
Two initiative petitions proposing constitutional amendments struck from ballot
2020 Ark. 267
Service at old address results in dismissal, savings statute is not applicable
2020 Ark.App. 356
Issue of first impression regarding interpretation of statute barring unlicensed contractors from bringing suit
2020 Ark.App. 361
Property settlement in divorce was enforceable despite marriage being void for bigamy
2020 Ark.App. 382
Majority affirms award of alimony and child support based on imputed income; dissent points out that the ordered payments put the husband well below the poverty line even using his imputed income
2020 Ark.App. 394
Foreclosure complaint was barred by statute of limitations
2020 Ark.App. 384
Summary judgment in slip and fall case was reversed where material question of fact existed
2020 Ark.App. 396
Child custody decision was not subject to res judicata based on decision in child-maltreatment registry
2020 Ark.App. 407
Summary judgment in slip and fall case was reversed; condition of ramp outside restaurant was not obvious danger
2020 Ark.App. 420
Finding of prescriptive easement was affirmed
2020 Ark.App. 451
Divorce decree reversed; premarital agreement was enforceable
2020 Ark.App. 469
Failure to serve complaint in intervention leads to dismissal; serving one party not sufficient
2020 Ark. 326
Medical malpractice judgment reversed and remanded over denial of jury trial
2020 Ark. 334
Grocery store has no duty to keep shopping carts off the roadway; summary judgment affirmed
2020 Ark.App. 475
Rulings on division of bank account and car were remanded, ruling on marital home and dogs affirmed
2020 Ark.App. 479
"Four lane highway" does not mean six-lane highway; Amendment 91 funds cannot go to I-30 widening project, should not have been spent on I-630
2020 Ark.352
Failure to timely serve defendants originally identified as John Does results in dismissal of entire medical malpractice suit
2020 Ark.App. 488
Relocation into same county as non-custodial parent was not a material change of circumstances warranting joint custody
2020 Ark.App. 490
Denial of relief on accounting was reversed based on defendant's acknowledged inaccuracies
2020 Ark.App. 500
Request for court records was governed by FOIA and not Administrative Order 19
2020 Ark. 362
Case of first impression regarding VA disability payments and child support
2020 Ark.App. 512
Repayment of margin loan did not create marital property that needed to be divided
2020 Ark.App. 516
Refusal to Terminate guardianship was reversed where trial court erroneously found "exceptional factors" to continue even though father was not unfit
2020 Ark.App. 524
Adoption reversed; failure to contact or support children was justified
2020 Ark.App. 543
Walmart restriction to prevent competition on land it sold was upheld in part, remanded in part
2020 Ark.App. 563
Doctor who referred patient to a specialist did not thereby escape all duty to patient, but summary judgment still affirmed in wrongful death case
2020 Ark.App. 570
Crashworthiness suit ends in directed verdict
2021 Ark.App. 19
City's condemnation ordinance upheld, but civil rights claims remanded
2021 Ark. 7
Summary judgment affirmed in medical malpractice case; limitations barred claim against employee ending vicarious liability claim , and failure to show proximate cause doomed other claims
2021 Ark.App. 35
Cherokee Nations should have been allowed to intervene in casino litigation in Pope County
2021 Ark. 17
Failure to comply with the tolling statute results in dismissal of medical malpractice claim
2021 Ark. 14
Service was not valid, but dismissal should have been without prejudice under savings statute
2021 Ark. 31
Law of the case not applicable, but collateral estoppel is
2021 Ark.App. 71
Bank disbursed loan without making sure collateral existed; co-signer on the hook as accommodation party
2021 Ark.App. 72
Alimony award challenged by both parties, but was affirmed
2021 Ark. 49
Deed set aside; it was executed, but never delivered
2021 Ark.App. 82
Unsuccessful attempt to change custody results in attorney fees award of $45,000
2021 Ark.App. 114
Trustee (and beneficiary) of trust allowed complete discretion in valuing assets of trust he is to receive
2021 Ark.App. 109
Underinsured coverage treated the same as uninsured coverage in cases of parental immunity
2021 Ark. 62
Attorney immunity statute prevents liability; no proof of fraud or misrepresentation
2021 Ark. 127
Miserly jury verdict affirmed, but set-off for medical payments made was reversed
2021 Ark.App. 128
Denial of single-parent adoption was reversed
2021 Ark.App. 136
Adverse possession case draws heated dissents
2021 Ark.App. 153
Supreme Court affirms decision that leaves alimony payor destitute, even if he is able to earn amount imputed to him
2021 Ark. 75
Change to joint custody based solely on change in non-custodial parent's circumstances was reversed
2021 Ark.App. 167
Grant of joint custody in paternity action was affirmed
2021 Ark.App. 183
Step-son was not a wrongful-death beneficiary based on lack of proving decedent stood in loco parentis
2021 Ark.App. 199
TRO based on non-compete clause was affirmed
2021 Ark.App. 195
Selection process for members of the Arkansas State Plant Board found unconstitutional
2021 Ark. 105
Negligent entrustment claim dismissed by summary judgment
2021 Ark.App. 127
Juvenile sentencing hearing transcript released to plaintiff in wrongful death suit
2021 Ark.App. 241
Denial of charitable immunity remanded for summary judgment; facts not in dispute
2021 Ark.App. 236
Statute of limitations ran on all claims after one year because they all related to a letter of credit
2021 Ark.App. 231
Imposition of a constructive trust affirmed
2021 Ark.App. 249
Child whose mother waived her interest in wrongful death proceeds was not entitled to share of estate
2021 Ark.App. 261
Complaint against host for over-serving guest did not state a cause of action, default set aside
2021 Ark.App. 266
DIY artificial insemination leads to guardianship/paternity/custody fight
2021 Ark.App. 263
Adoption reversed where father's consent should not have been found unnecessary
2021 Ark. 125
Party seeking to establish ownership interest in marijuana business established potential for irreparable harm by showing potentially criminal activity
2021 Ark.App. 306
Summary judgment reversed; amendment to Complaint did not dismiss prior Complaint, suspended corporate status did not require dismissal
2021 Ark.App. 275
Dismissal of part of a complaint does not trigger rule allowing interlocutory appeal
2021 Ark. 133
Statute which bars evidence of failure to use a child safety seat is constitutional
2021 Ark. 140
Challenge to State control of Little Rock School District survives, in part
2021 Ark. 136
Withholding copies of religious publications did not violate inmate's rights
2021 Ark. 162
Sisters settlement agreement in partition action was enforced
2021 Ark.App. 336
Summary judgment affirmed in tire-separation case
2021 Ark.App. 332
Modification of child custody was reversed because there was no material change in circumstances
2021 Ark.App. 359
Lease and its renewal option must be read in concert where they were incorporated by reference
2021 Ark.App. 360
Partition sale proceeds split based on ownership, not contributions
2021 Ark.App. 370
Court's order was rendered ambiguous by change in the facts
2021 Ark.App. 373
Summary judgment affirmed, unauthorized appeal on behalf of LLC was dismissed
2021 Ark.App. 382
Statute of limitations for breach of contract in mineral royalty claims
2021 Ark. 179
Litigation over Pope County casino license rolls on
2021 Ark. 183
Wrongful death case not filed in name of the personal representative gets dismissed
2021 Ark.App. 389
Change of custody may no longer require change in custodial parent's circumstances
2021 Ark. 191
Lack of a filing fee causes lack of jurisdiction in trial court
2021 Ark.App. 417
Natural parent presumption applied even after presumed father had shared custody for nine years; failure to file cross-appeal moots argument regarding acknowledgment of paternity
2021 Ark.App. 410
Deeds purporting to transfer trust property but signed in individual name were set aside
2021 Ark.App. 412
Adverse possession claim against co-owners fails, Court of Appeals decision vacated
2021 Ark. 199
Vaccine refusal (no, not that vaccine) lawsuit dismissal is overturned in part
2021 Ark. 211
Failure to give preconstruction notice bars all recovery for contractor
2021 Ark.App. 442
Joint ownership of a bank account does not give the right to take all the funds
2021 Ark.App. 436
Creation of reciprocal wills did not create contract to not revoke them
2021 Ark.App. 435
Unlawful detainer suit was not proper format to determine title to property
2021 Ark.App. 452
Mother gets herself adopted to try to avoid guardianship of her child
2021 Ark.App. 444
Class action should have been certified for suit against auto lender
2021 Ark. 219
Sporting good store was not defamed by statements of competitor
2021 Ark.App. 498
Settlement agreement was not enforceable based on subsequent breaches
2021 Ark.App. 484
Failure to object or request notice of proceedings prevented challenge to will based on notice; no undue influence found
2021 Ark. 233
Text messages sought under FOIA must be individually analyzed to determine if they qualify as official records
2021 Ark. 230
Parties who remarried after entry of divorce decree remarkably are also unable to agree in second divorce
2022 Ark.App. 18
City's immunity from suit extends even to cases of gross negligence
2022 Ark.App. 23
No insurance coverage where insured did not own the presumptively insured vehicle
2022 Ark.App. 38
Supreme Court takes another bite out of the Freedom Of Information Act
2022 Ark. 17
Timely extension of time to file the record on appeal still results in dismissal of appeal
2022 Ark.App. 39
Arbitration agreement in credit card contract was applicable to buyer of bad debt
2022 Ark.App. 52
Leg injury results in whole-body impairment rating; dissent finds no proof of injury to the body as a whole
2022 Ark.App. 60
Verdict of $2.5 million in exploding tire case was affirmed; jurisdiction was waived, general verdict prevents exam of other issues
2022 Ark.App. 59
Company insurance policy did not cover equipment used by independent contractor hired to haul logs for company
2022 Ark.App. 67
Sovereign Immunity does not prevent review of statutes alleged to violate Arkansas Constitution
2022 Ark. 32
Summary judgment was reversed; existence of a constructive trust was still at issue, and the statute of frauds had been tolled by fraudulent concealment
2022 Ark. App. 75
Taco Bell ice machine causes injury, issue of knowledge of defect was not subject to summary judgment
2022 Ark. App. 77
State suspends professional license for nonpayment of dues and refuses to reinstate it despite sending erroneous information on when payment was due
2022 Ark. 43
Jury award of $5.9 million reversed, award of attorney fees for spoliation stands, but must be recalculated
2022 Ark. 42
New child support guidelines are interpreted for the first time; deviation upwards reversed
2022 Ark. 52
Paulino doctrine reversed as applied to pandemic unemployment benefits
2022 Ark. App. 96
Appeal of injunction preventing suspension of expanded unemployment benefits was dismissed due to mootness, with instructions to dismiss injunction
2022 Ark. 59
Wrongful death claim brought only by mother will survive; putative father was not a required party
2022 Ark.App. 123
Arkansas Children's Hospital avoids ruling on whether or not it is subject to FOIA
2022 Ark.App. 116
Motion dismissed at last minute results in two awards of attorney fees, one of which is affirmed and one reversed
2022 Ark. App. 119
Settlement of claim by estate administrator was affirmed; COA notes lack of standards
2022 Ark. App. 135
Workers Comp statutes of limitations rule clarified, Kirk case overruled
2022 Ark. 374
Option to purchase satisfied the statute of frauds
2022 Ark.App. 136
Waiver of right to bring class action was enforceable, even as to claim of violation of Securities Act
2022 Ark. 73
Ex-wife was still the beneficiary of life insurance policy despite attempt to change the beneficiary designation
2022 Ark.App. 158
Suit against Attorney General for spending state funds on commercials and out of state litigation dismissed except as to claim for illegal exaction
2022 Ark. 86
Restraining order preventing school from imposing mask mandate was reversed
2022 Ark. 80
WIll created successive life estates; second life estate holder could not sell the property
2022 Ark. App. 172
Summary judgment for defendant affirmed in drowning case
2022 Ark.App. 186
Denial of statutory immunity to city in inverse condemnation suit was reversed
2022 Ark.App. 200
Mother sues couple alleging plot to force her now deceased son into anger management
2022 Ark.App. 205
Foundation company that did not provide lien notice was still able to prevail in contract dispute with homeowner
2022 Ark.App. 220
Couple's civil union did not count as date of marriage, but trial court did not err in considering overall length of relationship in dividing property
2022 Ark.App. 210
Owner of employer company was also entitled to tort immunity, deceased employee's minor child was entitled to full death benefit
2022 Ark.App. 225
Forged deed that divested minor of title to real estate cannot be set aside due to statute of limitations
2022 Ark.App. 206
Remand of arbitration decision for further findings seen as "another dramatic shift" in the ever-changing law surrounding arbitration
2022 Ark. 109
Differing interpretation of facts did not mean that material facts were in dispute; trial court should have decided summary judgment motion
2022 Ark.App. 239
Malpractice claim was barred by statute of limitations; no fraudulent concealment existed to toll statute
2022 Ark.App. 233
Mineral rights percentages should have been based on time deeds were delivered, not filed
2022 Ark.App. 268
Amendment of Trust fails due to lack of compliance with terms of the trust controlling amendments
2022 Ark.App. 260
Plaintiff's negligence bars indemnity claim
2022 Ark.App. 297
Illegal exaction suit alleging state legislators conspired with medical provider in fraudulent billing scheme failed to state a cause of action
2022 Ark.App. 277
Apartment complex had no duty to protect delivery driver from criminal acts of a third party
22 Ark.App. 287
Sovereign immunity does not preclude petition for a writ of mandamus
2022 Ark. 140
Challenge to trust triggers forfeiture of plaintiff's share of trust; guardianship action over grantor did not prevent independent declaratory action regarding the trust
2022 Ark.App. 302
Probate division was the proper division to hear declaratory action concerning property that passed by beneficiary deed
2022 Ark.App. 300
Hunting club winds up with no access to property after denial of easement
2022 Ark.App. 314
Grantor of deed was not incompetent, but was subject to undue influence
2022 Ark.App. 311
Wrongful death suit tossed on summary judgment after brought by individual instead of personal representative
2022 Ark.App. 324
Transfer of duck club gets undone due to undue influence, but influencer remains as executor of estate
2022 Ark.App. 338
Client breached oral contract related to written contract; contractor therefore did not have to complete job
2022 Ark.App. 349
Res Judicata applies to claims that could have been raised in class action lawsuit that plaintiffs did not opt out of
2022 Ark.App. 361
Dismissal of case regarding non-compete covenant was reversed
2022 Ark.App. 363
Grant of prescriptive easement was affirmed, but order was remanded to remove restrictions on that easement
2022 Ark.App.354
Summary judgment affirmed for insurer with no duty to defend claim
2022 Ark.App. 393
Malpractice case against malpractice lawyer requires serious onion peeling
2022 Ark.App. 378
Grant of adoption was reversed; mother thwarted efforts to see child
2022 Ark.App. 408
Summary judgment reversed in trip and fall case that defendant claims was "open and obvious"
2022 Ark.App. 409
Failure to follow contract terms foils attempt to exercise option to purchase
2022 Ark.App. 413
Where parties were not in agreement on terms, court erred in compelling settlement
2022 Ark.App. 423
Does Hollandsworth or Singletary control relocation decision? Try Cooper instead
2022 Ark.App. 442
Grant of class status was affirmed, appeal of arbitration request was dismissed
2022 Ark. 199
Eighteen-Million Dollar attorney fee award reversed in illegal exaction lawsuit
2022 Ark. 206
Municipal Fund could not be sued in contract for breach of duties it undertook as a trustee
2022 Ark. 218
Summary judgment in medical malpractice case was reversed
2022 Ark.App. 501
Imputing income to private school teacher for not teaching in public school was error
2022 Ark.App. 514
The implied duty to restore controls over Commission rules or prudent operator standard in oil and gas lease restoration cases
2022 Ark.App. 521
Court adopts "flexible application of res judicata" for cases involving paternity
2022 Ark.App. 517
Poor parenting does not equal contempt
2023 Ark.App. 19
Dismissal of action to determine officers of church was affirmed
2023 Ark.App. 35
Good Samaritan Law covers claims by third parties
2023 Ark.App. 26
Charging fees and requiring permits were restrictions on public use of lake and were not allowed
2023 Ark.App. 29
Alimony modification was not supported by a change in circumstances
2023 Ark.App. 41
Claim sounded in tort, not condemnation, so statutory immunity applied
2023 Ark.App. 67
Parents did not enter into a family settlement agreement when they had children return gifted property
2023 Ark.App. 96
Right of attorneys to carry guns in the courthouse has not been clearly established- yet
2023 Ark. 18
Payment of invoice that mentioned agreement found on website was sufficient to manifest assent to arbitration agreement
2023 Ark.App. 120, 2023 Ark.App. 116, 2023 Ark.App. 117, 2023 Ark.App. 123, 2023 Ark.App. 124
Sellers misrepresented house, but buyers delay in seeking rescission results in loss of claim
2023 Ark.App. 111
Default judgment should have been set aside; defendants did not waive service
2023 Ark.App. 114
Sua sponte dismissal of case violated appellant's right to trial de novo
2023 Ark. 34, 2023 Ark. 30
Motion for attorney fees required personal service
2023 Ark.App. 139
City practice was deceptive, but not an illegal exaction
2023 Ark. 51
Amendment 101 funds can be used without limitation to four-lane roads, unlike prior amendment
2023 Ark. 45
Substantial compliance with change of beneficiary designation was sufficient; COA decision vacated
2023 Ark. 53
ASC determines that State action is not always required for illegal exaction cases
2023 Ark. 56
Change to Arkansas Statutory Foreclosure Act was unconstitutional
2023 Ark. 58
Lack of statutory notice does not allow for untimely will contest
2023 Ark.App. 202
Majority finds that Rule 4 extending time to file appeals applies to Workers Comp cases
2023 Ark.App. 223
Hot check convictions keep elected JP from seeking reelection, and temporary injunction prevents her from continuing in office
2023 Ark. 70
DFA must first show total amount of taxable income before tax burden can be assessed
2023 Ark. 74
Judge who investigated party and sought criminal charges has no duty to recuse from his civil case
2023 Ark.App. 253
Plaintiff files unlawful detainer action, winds up owing defendant $30,000
2023 Ark.App. 269
Interim suspension of law license was reversed by writ of cert
2023 Ark. 86
Unlicensed process server who did not verify identity of defendants results in dismissal of case
2023 Ark.App. 281
Trustee breached duty by not funding educational trust as directed
2023 Ark.App. 302
UCCJEA applied to Mexican citizens living in Arkansas
2023 Ark.App. 304
Objection to an affidavit for collection of small estate is "asserting a claim in a court of competent jurisdiction"
2023 Ark.App. 305
Foreclosure was not barred by statute of limitations due to waiver and payment of insurance premiums by note holder
2023 Ark.App. 326
Unsuccessful suit against hospital costs doctor $465,240 in attorney fees
2023 Ark. 100
Personal injury claim against deceased driver was governed by statute of nonsuit and not statute of limitations
2023 Ark. 103
Coverage exclusion in auto policy was upheld
2023 Ark.App. 359
Testamentary capacity was shown for 104 year old; Trustee of her trust was removed
2023 Ark.App. 380
Chain reaction MVA on Memphis bridge leads to summary judgment for some defendants, but not all
2023 Ark.App. 391
Serial polling of City Board to remove item from meeting agenda was not a violation of FOIA
2023 Ark.App. 408
Change in custody to sex-offender father was reversed as to one child on a technicality, affirmed as to other
2023 Ark.App. 428
ASC reverses itself in regards to fraudulent concealment in legal malpractice cases
2023 Ark. 146
Decision rendering LEARNS Act invalid due to lack of separate vote for emergency clause was reversed
2023 Ark. 140
Materialmen's lien was defective because of an insufficient property description
2023 Ark.App. 455
Attorney fee dispute grinds on after seventeen years
2023 Ark.App. 479
Postproduction expenses not intended to be deducted from net proceeds of royalty interests
2023 Ark.App. 483
State statute granted immunity to school officials for state action, but not federal claim
2023 Ark. 160
Fact that ex-wife had another child did not prove cohabitation
2023 Ark.App. 540
Codicil to will was effective; challenge to competency and charge of undue influence both fail
2023 Ark. App. 551
Summary judgment in medical malpractice case was reversed based on application of res ipsa loquitur
2023 Ark.App. 562
Homestead statute is not unconstitutional because homestead requirement in constitution is unconstitutional
2023 Ark. 191
Violation of in terrorem clause results in loss of all benefits from trust and will for daughter, but not her children
2024 Ark.App. 6
Drastic change in "parenting time" was not a change in joint custody
2024 Ark.App. 72
Arkansas proceeds further into the minority by allowing change of annuity beneficiaries via will
2024 Ark. 17
Brothers litigate land ownership from beyond the grave
2024 Ark.App. 120
No-waiver clause in contract could not itself be waived
2024 Ark.App. 128
Personal injury plaintiff fails to get new trial based on claim his own testimony was unintelligible
2024 Ark.App. 155
Husband loses divorce and consolidated civil case by default, also manages to get held in contempt
2024 Ark.App. 156
Historic Tax Credits of limited value to out of state residents
2024 Ark. 25
Alimony award must be reversed based on waiver
2024 Ark.App. 166
Dealer letting employees use cars was required to pay sales tax
2024 Ark. 31
Concealed carry permit does not entitle holder to carry a gun to premises that holds a permit to sell alcohol, even if it is at a public university
2024 Ark. 44
Voting machines comply with state law; judge laughing at a motion is not grounds for recusal
2024 Ark. 43
Irreperable harm has a different meaning where breach of a noncompete agreement is at issue
2024 Ark.App. 232
Summary judgment stripping marijuana cultivation license was reversed and remanded
2024 Ark. 50
Lawyers can carry their guns in the courthouse but not into court- yet
2024 Ark. 65
Grant of joint custody was affirmed
2024 Ark.App. 269
Arkansas statute allowing carrying guns to your employer is not trumped by FELA
2024 Ark. 74
Selling car to an unlicensed driver not enough to support a claim for negligent entrustment
2024 Ark.App. 299
Ruling that various election procedure statutes were unconstitutional was reversed
2024 Ark. 90
Naming school's lawyer as a defendant in FOIA action results in sanctions
2024 Ark.App. 386
Abortion Amendment signatures not required to be counted
2024 Ark. 121
Easement for roadway did not give holder authority to build fences and gates
2024 Ark.App. 433
Supreme Court goes to war- with itself
2024 Ark. 134
Class action allowed to proceed against insurance company accused of inapporiately adjusting med-pay claims
2024 Ark. 145
Court of Appeals reverses summary judgment ruling that applied the workers comp going-and-coming rule to a tort case
2024 Ark. App. 491
The locality rule in medical malpractice is alive and well
2024 Ark.App. 507
Family non-profit splits over selling the family farm
2024 Ark.App. 526
Verdict against trucking company affirmed even though truck driver was not sued individually
2024 Ark. App. 561
Common-law rules regarding licensee or invitee status do not matter in light of city ordinance setting standard of care
2024 Ark.App. 573
The right to a Rule 41(a) dismissal is absolute
2024 Ark.App. 577
Personal representative of estate had no standing to pursue accounts that were not part of the estate
2024 Ark.App. 581
Continuous-treatment doctrine does not apply to nursing home care
2024 Ark.App. 591
Answer filed on time but with the wrong case number should not have caused default
2024 Ark.App. 622
Summary judgment reversed in dispute over oral contract for agricultural work based on grant
2025 Ark.App. 22
Four-year statute of limitations applied to contract found to be for sale of goods
2025 Ark.App. 35
Substantial (somewhat gross) evidence supported verdict in products liability case
2025 Ark.App. 55
Statute that attempted to revive actions for child sexual abuse was ineffective where the claims were already barred by the statute of limitations
2025 Ark.App. 59
Request to "reallocate parenting time" was really a request to change custody
2025 Ark.App. 97
Shareholder derivative action against stepmother should not have been decided on summary judgment
2025 Ark.App. 122
Decision finding mandatory arbitration agreements in nursing home admissions unenforceable draws concurrence and dissent
2025 Ark.App. 133
County Board subcommittee was subject to FOIA, attorney fees award affirmed
2025 Ark.App. 145
Moving marital home onto premarital real estate results in comingling and division of premarital property
2025 Ark.App. 161
Wrongful cutting of trees results in verdict for $100,000 but it is subject to remittitur
2025 Ark.App. 184